Sunday, 24 April 2011

Oh, do wipe that silly look off your face!

By nature, man is created with the unenviable curse of amassing power at whatever cost. So void of morals have we become, that any who shies from this vice is dismissed in a heart beat as a man without ambition and consequently a disgusting waste of human flesh. But come now, if there is anything that history has tutored us to understand, is that this road to greatness, abandoned by the siren of conscious, is not only treacherous, but brings out a beast in us all best left to the confines of dark imagination.

Despite this, there are those who have relentlessly pursued this dark road, leaving in their wake broken hearts, destroyed lives, widowed women, fatherless sons, and women who spend their sunset years bitterly replacing flowers on the unmarked graves of their children. They have taken many forms these beats. Hitler, Abacha, Amin, Kasavubu...the list is endless.

Trouble is, when a people have had enough, and realise that a government should be afraid of its people and not the other way around, nine times out of ten, these agents of destruction are faced with a dilemma of epic proportions, and their end is never a romantic one. What drives me up the friggin wall, is the way they then try portray themselves as victims with ridiculous, pitiful looks on their damn faces! That is not only annoying, but an insult to the thousands of people they have caused endless suffering with their rogue ambition!

In the recent passed, the silly faces I saw that drove me to the brink of a maddening rage, were those of Saddam Hussein and our very own Laurent Gbabgbo. Seeing these guys trying to look wronged almost made me want to break my terribly cheap TV set!

Listen you bloody agents, I will only say this once. With all the pain and suffering you have caused, the least you can do is stand by your actions and look like the evil, arrogant men you are. Commit to your roles. You are not the victims, but the villains in this story!
So do stop insulting our intelligence and wipe that silly look off your face!

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever wondered how they end up in power? I wouldn't laud what this infamous did while they were in power but it seems almost impossible to talk of dictators without talking about Western involvement.
